Repacking Modified Android APK Files

Having extensively modified your Android application’s APK file, you now wish to install it on your phone and give it a run. Unfortunately, adb install refuses to cooperate, and instead returns INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES. To get around this, we will need to imitate an official publisher from the Google Play Store, and sign our new APK file with a useful little command called jarsigner.

$ adb install reverseEngineering/apk/finished/evil-app.apk 
Failed to install reverseEngineering/apk/finished/evil-app.apk: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Package /data/app/vmdl1428250932.tmp/base.apk has no certificates at entry modifiedFile.txt]

As can be seen, the addition of any new files to the apk will immediately trigger an error to appear. Even the slightest change in the name of a file will set off ADB’s alarms. This prevents us from simply renaming a “.zip” file to “.apk” and installing it on our phone.

The main reason why lies in the design of the Google Play Store system itself: in order to guarantee the integrity of the APK as it’s being downloaded, Android requires all APK files to be signed using a special key file, the credentials of which end up in the META-INF folder of the APK.

Not to worry! Luckily, there exists a quick and easy way that we can verify our apk for installation. The first step, is to generate the key file itself.

There are a multitude of ways of going about this, but the simplest and most straightforward, in my opinion, is to use Android Studio.

Go into Build > Generate Signed Bundle / APK... > APK > Next > Create New... and fill out the form. Here is an example of a simple key that *Android Studio will generate, and place in the home folder upon completion:

Key Generation Window

Now that the key has been generated, you can delete the existing META-INF folder inside the original files of the apk, and use your new JKS/.Keystore file to sign them and make it valid for install. I created this bash script to combine the process of taking all the files, zipping them, and signing them into one single command:

set -xe
rm -r -f $POS/source/META-INF
cd $POS/source
zip -r $POS/finished/evil-app.apk .
jarsigner -verbose -keystore <Your_Key_Name>.jks -storepass <Your_Key_Password> $HOME/<Your_Working_Directory>/finished/evil-app.apk <Your_Key_Alias>

You are now free to install your modified APK, and experiment with the changed you have made.

Written on January 27, 2019